What lies at the end of your horizon?

Everyone has an answer for what lies ahead. The world has abundant answers full of thirty day guarantees. Look in a crystal ball, read your horoscope, let’s align the stars, play your cards right, must be luck…

All of those solutions seem lackluster and full of empty promises because they have changed over time. 

When I think of a fortune, I think of something holed up, kept in a safe place, locked up, reserved for those special enough to find it on the map. It’s hidden and yet its legacy is revered and handed down for decades, even centuries. Treasure is accessible, but still requires you to submit to the game of waiting and right timing. 

We have full access to a fortune, an inheritance that provides a quenching so large, that even the feeling of receiving the finest rubies can’t compare. 

The fortune only comes with submission, but is guaranteed with a promise. When we faithfully wait for the inheritance, when we faithfully wait for the answered prayer and submit every decision to Him, it is then we see the harvest. The harvest is ripe for those who have sown faithfully in tears of morning and exasperation. The toiling at a job that provides monetarily but doesn’t affirm the work you’ve done well. The never ending parenting of a child, different from others or in a season of hard, and the “what will they turn out like,” worry. The loss of more than one loved one in body or in relationship and you seem to be alone. God is in the business of restoration and your day of harvest is coming in mourning! 

Thank you Lord for the harvesting of what was done so long ago. Thank you for the enriching of the soil and for the crop that provided fruit. May your harvest continue to multiply even in the waiting. Thank you for preparing the rubies and coins of treasure along the path, shining brightly and polished ready for the taking. Lord, we ask for discernment and a steadfast plan for those still in the field planting, still on the map looking for the “X”. We ask for your presence to be shown to those waiting to see if the crop grows, or what’s at the end of 30 paces. Thank you for the guiding light along the path, may we have sure footing held steady by you. We ask for a new melody for those who have faithfully sown and the harvest is NOW. Their fortunes both here and later are being restored to the fullest that you intended from the first day we were made. May we give you honor and glory as we sail, wait AND as we harvest.
”Restore our fortunes, Lord, as streams renew the desert. Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.“‭‭Psalms‬ ‭126‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬


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