Already Full

Have you ever noticed that when something is missing or lacking or empty, it is the absence of it's presence that you even knew it was supposed to be there in the first place? The absence makes you miss it. When I can't find my scissors because someone took them without asking, it was the fact that they are missing, that I became frustrated they were missing. When a grocery item, like my salt & vinegar chips, are missing from the grocery - for the hundredth time - it is their lack of being there that I even knew I NEEDED them so much. When my son says, "I'm not hungry," but his behavior indicates otherwise, it is the lack of self control that reminds me I forgot to make lunch. When no one says thank you for the ways that you cared for them, it is the absence of the thank you that made you believe you even needed their affirmations in the first place.  It is not until "we can't find..." that we realize we are lacking.

Going through life, realizing all the things you lack can be full of offense, anger, frustration, comparison, and anxiety. The enemy would love to use that lack for his gain, for his offense. Such a negative way to look at what is needed. But then again, is it.

Recently I had the opportunity to serve communion. Women were steadily walking forward with a posture to receive. Standing there, I glanced down at the cup of juice, mostly emptied from just serving "the blood of Jesus." I stare a little longer than normal and notice that as I look down I don't see an empty cup. I see a cup which looked full. There was this unique perspective peering down into the cup. I notice no trace of empty. The juice, to my eyes, completely fills the vessel. Gently a nudge is whispered... This is how I've made you. Full. If only you'd see me from my vantage point. Realizing the familiar, trusted voice I inquire.

"What does full look like to you Lord, because sometimes I feel very depleted."

already full
Sometimes when he speaks to me it feels like the gentlest wind floating across my mind. He reminds me, "You have fullness because of ME. You have access to never ending love, never ending hope, never ending comfort and support. Never ending energy for the things I've called you to do. When you feel spastic, I'm here to be your calm. When you feel unworthy, I'm here to be your worth. When you feel you have to give even more, I'm your source. When you feel like nothing is left, I'm your provision. I'm here to fill your edges. I don't see you any other way."

We are made full. When we walk in guidance with him, we walk in full rest. We walk in fullness when we use HIS perspective. We are missing NOTHING because we carry Him. 


When we look from the side of the glass we lose his perspective. The areas where we lack are fully transparent. We see all the empty and begin to fill it with things that will never fully quench. Through the transparency, we even see the other glasses he made and what they are lacking. But when we fully take on the understanding of the FULLNESS HE gives us, we see that in fact, we are already full! We were designed to be whole. We were designed to carry the fullness of the Lord, not the other way around. When HE created us, he designed us full! With all the boldness, and flavor, and body that only HE can fill. All we have to do is receive it. WE have to ask for his perspective on every issue and trust that he will take care of it. 

"And God placed all things under his feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, THE FULLNESS OF HIM WHO FILLS ALL IN ALL." Ephesians 1:22-23 NIV

In order for us to fully understand how God would intend for us to manage our daily life and understand our purpose so we may live our life to the fullest we have to FIRST take Him, Christ in. We have to let Christ fill all those voids that we can so easily see, because he fills all in all. What if we looked at ourselves with the perspective God originally had for us, and continues? Us, fully letting Jesus take all that we need and filling the space we saw lacking, making it even more rich than before.We would see no lack.We would be focused on Him, inviting Him into all of our decisions. We would have full and complete trust in the Lord. Grace is that filling. When we let grace work in our emptiness we readily receive the things we didn't even know we were missing. Instead of the cup lacking but full of comparison, self loathing, and offense, I get to pick up the cup of identity. The cup that He fully made me as He intended. The cup full of purpose, calling, favor, and love. When we are in relationship and intimacy with Him we fully trust and see the perfectly full cup. 

In what areas of your life do you need to let Him fill in?


  1. I truly needed this. I struggle with feeling that fullness at times. As I prayed with my wife this morning on our way to work, I was then confronted with an impatient driver behind us as I was dropping her off. As they laid on their horn, every bit of the prayer I had just prayed felt as though it was ripped from my grasp as I wanted to put my car in park and get out and stand with my arms crossed in complete defiance. I pray God would take that defiance out of me and fill those voids where He is missing with his Son!

  2. Yes - I LOVE this thought of looking down on a glass - it is always full if you do so this way. I will remember that this is how God looks at me - full of everything he places in me. Thank you, for the reminder.


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