Already Full

Have you ever noticed that when something is missing or lacking or empty, it is the absence of it's presence that you even knew it was supposed to be there in the first place? The absence makes you miss it. When I can't find my scissors because someone took them without asking, it was the fact that they are missing, that I became frustrated they were missing. When a grocery item, like my salt & vinegar chips, are missing from the grocery - for the hundredth time - it is their lack of being there that I even knew I NEEDED them so much. When my son says, "I'm not hungry," but his behavior indicates otherwise, it is the lack of self control that reminds me I forgot to make lunch. When no one says thank you for the ways that you cared for them, it is the absence of the thank you that made you believe you even needed their affirmations in the first place. It is not until "we can't find..." that we realize we are lacking. Going through life, realizing...