Standing in Victory
Sometimes when I need encouragement or others do, I feel like God will show me pictures. Within those pictures there is some type of encouraging word and more often than not it ties in with a scripture I’ve been chewing on recently. Here is one such picture and maybe you’ll find encouragement in it. 

I’m standing in our small/large group worshiping with our good friends. The worship song is “Champion” by Dante Bowe. I stand among a room full of friends and I hear silence besides the praises and prophecy upon their lips. And the world falls silent. 

“You are my champion

Giants fall when you stand


Every battle You’ve won

I am who You say I am

You crown me with confidence

I am seated, in the heavenly place

Undefeated, by the power of Your name”

And along the lyrics flow from our lips as incense. As I stand listening I simply ask, God what do you want me to hear right now.

“VICTORY…Jesus has given me…when I open up my mouth miracles start breaking down…”

I see an image of a person standing alone among the darkness. A spotlight from above shines on them as if He was opening up his mouth to the heavens. A misty fog fills in around the darkness and light. The vision pans out and I realize the person is standing inside a V. It was a special fonted V that was thicker on one side. As the person looks down the V starts to lean and almost tumble off a scale. The person looks to the light and the V rights itself. This repeats in a Groundhog Day fashion. Each time the v tips anxiety builds until I know the person looks the the light. Looks to Him! 

I ask, “what do you want to say about that, Lord?” And he so plainly says, “When people look to me for the wisdom they so desire, they stand in victory! So many “teachers” among us but they only come through true authority when their gaze is set on me - that is where true and honorable wisdom and teaching comes from.” 

Then I remember my reading that morning was in James 3. In this book James speaks about the tongue and how it can be a powerful force for the Lord but also can be a fire starter full of deadly poison. That the tongue cannot be tamed. He goes on to write that jealously and selfishness are not God’s wisdom but that true wisdom…

“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.”

‭‭James‬ ‭3:17-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I feel like God wanted to encourage us to look to him with his wisdom before giving all of the wisdom we believe we have. Before being right. Then and only then can we truly reflect peaceful love, gentleness, and humbleness that listens and yields to what others have to say. Full of mercy and unbiased filters. But has the filter of God - loving each and every bit of his creation. When we do this, then we stand in our victory. 

Those of us called to be the peacemakers, which is each of us carrying God’s authority because of Jesus, NOW is the time to plant seeds and be ready to reap a harvest. So many people need to feel heard, loved, and seen. I want to reap a harvest of peaceful fruit which begins with looking to my Lord. 

When we look up we are not distracted by all the unnecessary sides to take- but just the pure connection to God. Our connection to others begins with our connection to God. If we plan to be a church body that changes hearts for the kingdom we have to start here. Just look to Him and you have the authority that has been placed in your life. The true authority and confidence to teach - because the best teachers listen REALLY well. 


  1. I came across this blog post again "randomly" while editing my bookmarks. Wow! So much to unpack and receive here. One of the things that stands out is the victory part. Recently, I heard a story about how the kings of ancient times,, when they conquered another kingdom, would take the defeated king's royal train and attach it to their own, so the longer and more varied the train, the more Victories that king had. Our King's train fills his temple! And we stand in that victory when we seek him in encounter in his throne room! Thank you Jesus for deeper revelation and the victory you've already won for us!


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