Into the Light

My heart hurts. It hurts for those who have to feel the loss of a loved one. For those who deal with pain, physically and mentally, on a daily basis. It hurts for those that don’t feel loved. And it hurts for those that feel they have to hurt others. I have been trying to formulate words about the violence in our world. I feel with every fiber of my heart what I’m sure is only a spec of the pain that God feels when we hurt. During worship one evening I feel like he encouraged me with this. I hope this encourages you.

A girl runs effortlessly through a field in the midst of a valley. She runs with abandoned insecurities. She twirls as if there is nothing to loose. Some days she runs and some days she walks through the valley taking in all the details. It’s a familiar place. And all she can see is beauty before her. Joy spread across her cheeks. Joyful because she knows the love and the protection that lies within. She KNOWS his voice. It is written on her heart, in her mind, and spirit. She knows she is loved. She knows that every little crevice of space the light touches, He made. And she finds security in His omnipotence.

With all her carelessness she stretches her neck toward the sky and notices clouds rolling in. As sure as she was carefree, in a moment is now wrought with worry. Worry she will be swallowed by the darkness. Worry she will be left for the wild. As the clouds gain more space in the sky it’s as if the shadows are right at her heels, nipping to take her. She remembers she has been here a different valley, but sandwiched between the same light and the same darkness. In a moment of desperation she lifts her hands to the sides almost as if she is pulling a blanket behind her. Infront of her is the light and all the glorious beauty she can see. And behind her lies the things she’s left in the dark - the sadness, the worry, the regrets, the I owe you’s, the torment of comparison, the depression, anxiety, toxicity. But she cannot turn back. She’s been down that road and it leads to nothing but despair. To her left and right all she can see are mountains. Peaks that she has climbed before and only reached the summit because of the path the light made for her.

Amid the darkness that looms behind her she lifts her head to the sky almost as if she appears from under the blanket to say, “Not today! Today, I am not afraid. Today, because of YOU, and everyday after I run towards the light and leave everything behind me. I live and love in truth and will not be drowned by sorrow. My help comes from you.”

The girl sees the darkness looming, but pulls up her bootstraps and runs carefree as if the shadows are not seen. She knows they are there, but also knows the farther she runs into the light of her maker, the closer and safer she is with him. There is no fear in this love. She is not standing on ground made by humans on empty promises, but promises from her father that have kept her safe for days, and years, and more to come. She again is carefree and gaining ground. 

With the all the sadness and despair in the world it is easy to grip onto the sorrow and pine for what “shoulda happened”. But we can’t do that. We have to move forward. A pastor at church, Wilson Cochrane, said in a moment of compassion for God’s creation, “There are two kinds of sorrow. Sorrow that is fear based and won’t let you go out of your house because you are so wrought with what could happen. Sorrow where there is so much darkness the thought is nothing will get better. And then there is sorrow where we experience grieving and compassion which is rooted in hope and love. That’s the kind of sorrow to keep. Because it pushes us forward to God.” We cannot hold onto the sorrow that cripples us into solitary seclusion and inwardly focused. We have to take the sorrow, grieve and feel for a bit, and then move on and move with compassion! Do something for love, not to prove you are right and not to be the one on top but just to show His love. The kind of love that leads people out of the darkness.  

There will be more mountains to climb and valleys full of shadows. More darkness will follow you today and everyday. But the point is to look for the light. Not to dwell in the darkness. We CANNOT stay there for the sake of future generations. In order for us to RISE to the top of the mountain we first have to venture into the light...the path that He, God, has lit for us. A path full of glory and goodness. Amidst the world where darkness can grip, be the light the brings freedom.

"For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death." 2 Corinthians 7:10


  1. I love this post - your words truly have blessed me today. I learn from this post through tears of hope. Thank you for listening to GOD and then telling this to me.
    I love you and appreciate you dearly.


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