Friends during this season

Friends are so important to me. They provide me with the ability to see things clearly. They love and support me, yada, yada, yada. I could continue but I think everyone, in a different season of their life, has different aspects that are important to them in a friendship. I know the characteristics I valued as a teenager are most definitely NOT the same as they are now. I have learned through a lot of friendships, or what I thought were friendships, hard truths of what I value in a friend. But isn't that one of the points of high school...learning who you are and what you value? I feel like I've only REALLY been able to reflect on this recently. I wish I could go back in time and save myself a lot of emotional torment and grief. However, I think all the emotional hurt was vital to my growth and understanding what I wanted in a friend. In this season of my life, I just don't have a lot of time. My time is separated and do...