Adding to the craziness

It's been long since told, but we are pregnant again!!!  And to tell you the truth, I am pretty excited.  No, really, I least I am now:)  It came as a bit of a shock, but I am very excited.  Infact, I was just looking at someones facebook page and they were cuddling with their baby, and I had a longing for cuddles...a longing?  Really?  How can this be?  My little girl is only a bit over a year and I'm already ready for another baby.  I can't really say that I was ready for the news when I found out though.

We had Carolyn's first birthday party.  To my surprise, as we were opening gifts, I thought that maybe I had started my period...false alarm.  But that got me thinking...when WAS my cycle supposed to start?  I am fairly regular but, I didn't think much of it and the week went on.  Finally on the following Friday it occurred to me that I had not started yet and that I may actually be pregnant.  I was running with a friend as the realization was coming to me.  It was going to be a jam packed weekend and Tim was going to be leaving on Sunday for a week long trip.  I told myself that I'd wait till after he got back from his trip to try a pregnancy test...yeah right!  I didn't make it less than 12 hours.  We were headed to a wedding that evening and I only had about 40 minutes to break the news to Tim and converse with him before my mom was coming to babysit. I decided I'd take the test....

POSITIVE!!!  WHAT?  HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?  I'm CRAZY!  What's wrong with us?  How am I going to tell Tim?  Many, many questions and emotions running through me, but through it all, I was kind of excited to be pregnant again.  We were hoping for another, but weren't going to try for one until January...I guess God had other plans:)  I was very nervous to tell Tim.  I was nervous how he would take it. 

So when he came home he seemed to be in an okay mood.  I had to act fast though.  I walked in and began telling him, and to my surprise I began to cry...he comforted me in many ways that evening.  He knew how this would effect us and how obviously I was shocked, and knew exactly how to behave.  I think it was a good thing that we had a date night to talk about things.

It was nice to have this little secret to ourselves for a while.  Since this will probably be the last child, we hope to savor each moment.  We waited a little longer to tell people, but it can be hard with so many nosy people:)  We hope to keep the sex of the baby a secret, hoping to keep it a little exciting...I mean really, what excitement do we have right now?  We took Luke to the first sonogram.  He was so excited to see the baby.  He called it "baby bean" and was talking to the baby all mushy and cute!  He prays for the baby every night.  Carolyn has no idea of course.  Hopefully she adjusts well.  She LOVES babies, so at least that is in our favor.

I'm excited now to see my family grow and I know the Lord will be with me all the way... 

Here's a sneak peak of the Baby Bean:

I'm almost 14 weeks and this baby will be due May 27th:)  Happy Summer to us all!!!


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