She Made IT!!!

Our little pumpkin made it...she made it a whole year!

Some things we would like to note about Carolyn:
  • she has THE BEST smile I have ever seen.  It can melt anyone's heart and is the culprit for some of her spoiled behavior.
  • she is very advanced for her age;)  She can throw a tantrum like an 18 month old and has been walking/climbing for over a month now...we are such lucky parents!
  • she LOVES her bottles and expensive signs of giving them up anytime soon (at least not nicely).
  • loves to play with her brother
  • loves to pinch
  • loves to be outside
  • was 19lbs. 12oz. at the doctor and 29inches long (all in the 50%ile)
  • LOVES the library and books...can't get enough of them
  • can't stop the dancing...she even goes up to the stereo and either tries to push the buttons on with her stubby little fingers or points and whines till we turn on the music
  • is really good at playing hide and seek
  • LOVES bread in any and all forms
  • has 6 teeth
  • sleeps a total of 15+ hours a day
  • since receiving toys for her birthday, she apparently prefers the girly toys, especially stirring  with a bowl and spoon.
For her birthday, I tried to spoil her as best we could and do nothing but pay attention to her, except for things I had to do, like taking Luke to school.  We just took our time. I did my best to just make her happy all day. Here are some of the highlights:)

So happy to have a special breakfast of geotta and pancakes!

I'm 1 year old today!

Grocery shopping all alone with mommy:). Mommy gives kisses all through the store!

Birthday lunch at daddy's office...Daddy loves to show off his pretty girl

Reading books all day! That's her idea of fun!

She got a new little kitchen from us and just loves to play with it all day

We had some tastey pasta! She ate it all up:)

And finally, a dance party!  She's a dancin' fool!

I love this little girl and all her drama she brings to the house!  


  1. Such a happy beautiful girl. Best smile ever. I'm lucky for every moment I've spent with her.


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