It's Just Different

It's all different...all of it. Every part of my life is different since children. I wouldn't say it's ALL for the worse or for the better, but it has all changed. Hiking...oh my goodness is my pack heavy...and we don't just have ONE pack but two now. And we need to have enough granola bars just to make it a mile to the treeline. Also, all the edges are now cliffs. packing list used to be 3 pages typed in columns (I love lists) and now, I need to make sure there is enough paper before printing. I also have to begin packing all the things a few days prior because my brain cannot remember all the things. The dinning room table is now packing central...there shall be no meals at the table. Vacationing...I give MAJOR kudos to those who can drive at night or longer than 9 hours with children in ONE day. "You have all the strengths". Brushing my teeth...this will never be the same. Until my children move out I'm sure I will be talking through ...