Shower Troubles

Have you ever gotten to such an age where it feels somewhat silly to not be able to properly perform a you never ask anyone? Cleaning the shower tiles is this for me... like, the hard scrubbing cleaning in the crevasses and corners that collect who knows what. I never had a formal training on how to properly clean my shower... and I know this sounds ridiuclous, but I LOATHE cleaning the tile in the shower...probably more than I hate dusting (that's another story). I'm sure there are youtube videos...but #Iaintgottimeforthat I would say my cleaning skills are ok...I mean I've never heard any complaints...and I have a little house...and I collect a lot of stuff...but underneath the stuff is usually clean. But the down and dirty cleaning that needs to happen about once every month... yeah, that's not my forte. And I'm ok with that. However, this should probably be addressed, right?!?! I mean I spray with cleaner and wipe it down, but the gr...