today was ALMOST the day...

I was supposed to have surgery today... but God had bigger plans for me. Bigger plans than I could have ever dreamed. They always say healing happens, and when it happens it is usually not just for physical healing but for some kind of transformation...well, He's been working on more than my wrist. About a year ago I tore cartilage in my wrist...opening salsa...I know, true story. Who does that ? Anyway, it became so painful that I went to a doctor and after a few tests decided that surgery was the next step. The doctor left it up to me as to when I should have surgery...having an 18 month old and surgery don't really mix. So I waited...talked to God a bit...waited... and the pain increased. I could no longer do a push-up, open a can of beans, garden, clean the house, shake an inhaler for my son, lift my toddler into his car seat, crab-walk across a gym, pretend to be a horse for my kids to ride, sleep through the night without waking in pain...on a...