
Showing posts from August, 2024

Paint Your Picture

Have you ever painted a picture of what could be? The words in your mind painting this scene before your very screen of assumptions and probablys. You’ve played out entire dialogues with scene changes and character entrances and exits. But instead of painting something for leisure it’s full of offense, contempt, and sorrow. You’ve built a story upon the responses of the assumptions and now your memory can’t even recognize what’s real and what’s pish posh. Confidence has left the building and insecurity fills the crevices like the pest it is. I believe even confident people struggle with this. But it’s the hastening to wiping away of untruths and replacing them with the truths they know that separate the confident from the insecure. They pick themselves up and tell themselves the facts and the things that are true. And if they feel off about it, they SAY something to someone.  Open up. Open up to the truths! Because before long, if you don’t, your insecurities become your truth.