Seeing the Doc During COVID is...Awkward

I'm not sure how you feel about the doc...any doc. I love them. they provide me with reassurance, listen to my worries and concerns, and generally are doing their best and have my best interest at heart. My doctors are also real. As in they know how I feel about things, that I outwardly process new information, and that I am sarcastic. They raise concern when warranted and proceed as I would like. Buuuuuuuuuut...there is just never something that prepares me for what can/should/would happen while I am in the office. Now, most of my visits are routine and pass by without anything ridiculous happening. And for most people this is the case. Mostly life is routine and boring. However, I feel there are some things that get honorable mention. And those things are thus follows. Something happens to my sensibility every time I walk through the doors. My capabilities of making any decisions and remembering important information/facts flies out the door that just opened and I be...