Good and Tasty Fruits

I've been convicted. My heart needs a change. At times, this mothering thing is more difficult than I would have ever thought. I hate looking back on things and having regrets...and I indeed can think of many times when I have reacted in a way that brings me a feeling of regret. None of them are some huge, tragic incident that deems this horrific display of parenting. It's just the day-to-day simple life happenings - which shouldn't get me in such a tizzy - and yet I'm afraid that my children are going to remember me for these reactions instead of a graceful, patient, and merciful mom. I can be better. I read a blog post on Momastery and she wrote about "Mompetition". Moms performing and doing amazing things with their child, posting about it on Facebook, and her sarcastically saying that these moms are clearly doing all these things AT HER. Exercising...AT HER, cooking fabulous meals...AT HER...epic birthday parties...AT HER, breast/bottle f...