My little man

So, Luke, my precious little man, has been a lesson learned from the beginning. His nature of doing things is always teaching me new things about myself and about how I should perceive others, namely Luke. I believe God reveals these things to me through Luke so that I may be more patient and less judgmental with others because I have empathy. Here is a memory that will always be burned into my brain...and boy did it teach me a lot. During the summer I like to mooch off of my friends as much as I possibly can for their use of a swimming pool. Well, actually, I don't like to, but I love to spend time with them, I was pregnant, and we just didn't have it in the budget to join a pool. This past summer I would go the the Gamble Nipert YMCA almost every Wednesday with my two friends Tori & Julie and their girls. We all know how much food is a HUGE factor in Luke's mood. It can either make or break an outing. He just doesn't transition well, a...