Portrait of a Woman

She sits gazing...gazing at what I am not sure. I am blinded by the light emitting from around the outline of her silhouette. She is bathed in a radiant glow that also gives off an aroma. I step closer to realize the woman is scented in a fine perfume. She is not concerned of others. Nor the details of her physique. But she has her eyes on one thing... The light that emits from her is because of her faith...it has saved her. She is peace. She is radiant. She exudes joy, wonder, and forgiveness. She is the presence of peace because she has made His heart her home. I see all of this, taking in each detail without even seeing the details. Details of the heart are not something one can see at first glance. But as you study them they become the dominant features. Her spirit is so in tune with God's because her spirit is God's. She shows abundant love because she has been forgiven much. Her hands hold an alabaster jar. All of her senses pointedly looking and activating to th...