The two shall meet

This is somewhat of a continuation of Carolyn's Birth. This is about when Luke came to meet her at the hospital for the first time. This is a memory that will forever be fresh in my memory. It touches my heart every time I think of it and almost makes my eyes tear up with delight and sadness at the same time.My mother warned me how upset she was when she came home with Sam, at how BIG Emma looked and was no longer her baby. Well, this played somewhat the same way, but in a slightly different, emotional way. Let's go back to the day before...or couple of months before Carolyn arrived. Now, don't get me wrong I was VERY excited to have a new baby and especially have a girl. I've always dreamed about how close I would be with my kids, but especially my daughter. There would be a special closeness. Little did I know how CLOSE I would become with my little man. He is all kinds of emotion...but he is a part of me. Raising him h...